Accurately-Locate.com screen shot |
The Accurately-Locate.com browser redirection issue is caused by a recently discovered virus that resets your browser settings and redirects your Google search requests to websites loaded with malware. If your computer is infected with this virus, you will get repeatedly redirected to Accurately-Locate.com and various random web pages you didn’t choose to visit. The browser hijacker could load itself into memory and download other malicious malware through the computer's Internet connection. The ZeroAccess rootkit (better known as Google redirect virus) associated with this redirect is especially hard to detect and remove as it uses a new encryption algorithm to conceal its presence on your computer. The online scammers who have creates the virus earn commission by directing traffic from main Internet search engines such as Yahoo and Google to Accurately-Locate.com phony search engine and other websites packed with ads.
The Accurately-Locate.com redirect virus may degrade the performance of your system and invade your privacy and security. If you are concerned that you may be infected by this search engine redirecting virus, we urge you to check your system as quickly as possible. Keep your computer guarded from Accurately-Locate.com browser hijacker and make sure that your system stays free from keyloggers, trojans, redirect viruses and other sorts of malware Click the download link below to detect whether you have Google hijack virus installed on your computer.