Abnow.com Search Hijacker |
The site simulates to be a real weight loss site, but it contains nothing other than deceiving links to useless pages.The rootkit program associated with Abnow.com is quite difficult to fix because it employs sophisticated techniques to elude detection. Inside your system, it will inject itself into the routing procedure of your computer and redirect your search requests to websites you didn't want to visit.
Malware associated with this browser redirect may also trace your private information and harvest sensitive data like user names, passwords and credit card information. If you are concerned that your computer got infected by the Abnow virus, it is highly recommended to scan it for malware as soon as possible.
If you get one or more of these symptoms we strongly recommend you to run a deep rootkit detection.
- You get a blue screen error and the system becomes too slow
- Browser homepage is set to an About:Blank page and you are unable to change it back
- Google results keeps redirecting to Abnow.com whenever you search for something
- Windows freezes during start up and shows a blue screen